I am quite satisfied with the outcome of our halloween look. I honestly have not celebrated halloween before so this is my very first time to do all these things. We did not feel like going out and buy costume or anything so we took everything we had at home. At first, I was sceptical about using the watercolour for face paint but WHATEVER I still did it anyway, haha. I also made the mask I'm wearing in the picture. Many people said the makeup looked great. I'm glad :-) I'll be even better next time.
I was hungry. So hungry I had to fry eggs and salami with bread. Hehe.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Wednesday, hello!
Today arrived my books. I ordered them from the internet. Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and John Green's The Fault in our Stars. The Oscar Wilde book was from my mother. I also sent letters and parcels to some friends. I love sending letters and even more when receiving them. I hung out in the local library a bit. I and a friend visited the art gallery. Fun! :-D I was on my way home when I bumped into my guitar maestro! :-D We decided to go "fika." Talked about history, music and a little politics. Politics is not really my cup of tea. He said I could borrow one of his electric guitars if I wanted to. I think I will start reading one of the books now. :-D
Sunday, 27 October 2013
20:56 Sunday
Two days ago (Friday), I was at the autumn market downtown with a friend. I did not even know that there was something like that that day. I was surprised to see many people and market stalls everywhere! I bought roasted almonds. YUM!
Today is Sunday. I was glad to see Andreas, a friend of ours. He sang beautifully today. I liked the melody of the songs he sang. I have noticed his improvement. He has a better voice control and voice clarity. It makes me glad. :-) We had fika, then I played the piano forte. I love that piano, I wish I could take it home with me.
I am drinking tea at the moment. As usual. Can't wait for the next Downton Abbey episode. I'm DYING.
Today is Sunday. I was glad to see Andreas, a friend of ours. He sang beautifully today. I liked the melody of the songs he sang. I have noticed his improvement. He has a better voice control and voice clarity. It makes me glad. :-) We had fika, then I played the piano forte. I love that piano, I wish I could take it home with me.
I am drinking tea at the moment. As usual. Can't wait for the next Downton Abbey episode. I'm DYING.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Reading books
It's quarter past one in the morning and I am still awake.
I have been reading things about the author Jane Austen, one of my favorite authors.
I have just realised that I love her books. All of them! I only tend to cry when it's something that has to do with music or dance. Never have I cried thinking of art of written work! I have just realised it just moments ago. I was a little teary-eyed. Now I am starting to realise the beauty of it. I appreciate and recognise the writing talent of people. I have many books in my shelf but I was not really into this whole book thing until now. I mean, I like books, I really do. But this time, it feels like it is something more than that. You know the feeling when you really like something and you are really eager to know more about it? Probably become quite obsessed with it? I am starting to realise all these things and I am afraid my room will be filled with books in no time. I have just ordered two books and I can't wait to read them!
It's quarter past one in the morning and I am still awake.
I have been reading things about the author Jane Austen, one of my favorite authors.
I have just realised that I love her books. All of them! I only tend to cry when it's something that has to do with music or dance. Never have I cried thinking of art of written work! I have just realised it just moments ago. I was a little teary-eyed. Now I am starting to realise the beauty of it. I appreciate and recognise the writing talent of people. I have many books in my shelf but I was not really into this whole book thing until now. I mean, I like books, I really do. But this time, it feels like it is something more than that. You know the feeling when you really like something and you are really eager to know more about it? Probably become quite obsessed with it? I am starting to realise all these things and I am afraid my room will be filled with books in no time. I have just ordered two books and I can't wait to read them!
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Winter Look
I love the neutral colours!
I am listening to a lot of Handel at the moment. And a little J.S. Bach.
Can't help but wave my hands again, feeling like a conductor. Hihi.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Tears. Tears. Can't help the tears.
"We are free to follow our own passions, explore our own gifts, wherever they may lead us. Tonight's honorees did not just take up their crafts to make a living. They did it because they could not imagine living any other way and that passion took each of them from humble beginnings to the pinnacle of their profession." - B. Obama
I really agree when he said this in his little speech (not in this video I posted).
I loved what he said because it really spoke to me. I felt it, and I could relate to it.
Tears started falling when I watched this video I posted now. Led Zeppelin is such a great, and I mean GREAT, band. I got even more emotional when Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were on tears too. I couldn't help my tears not just because of the beautiful music but because I really feel like this is what I am destined to do. I just felt it now for real. I feel like... I cannot imagine doing anything else. I admit, I am not really intelligent, I am not the smartest, but when it comes to music - I really am passionate. This is the only thing I know I can. I am not good at anything else. :-( I'm so crying right now because this comes from the bottom of my heart, truly. :( I really, really NEED to play music. I need music in my life. I need to do what I love to do. Do what you love, love what you do.
Psychology, indeed.
In about two minutes, it's 00:00, October 19th!
Anyway, I am still studying. Studying PSYCHOLOGY. Yes, you heard it right. I am quite enjoying it. I finally got my book today. I have done the first test and yes I only had 2 mistakes! I am very satisfied with the result. I have just got the book today but I have also studied some via internet when the book was not here. If there's a will, there's a way!
I'm still studying and I find everything really, really interesting. I am really glad I started studying psychology. I am also listening to classical music at the same time. I can't help but wave my hands or pretend like I'm the conductor when I hear a really good piece, usually a piece I know. Haha. So a break is a must when I am doing this. I just did it like 3 minutes ago. Haha.
Anyway, I am still studying. Studying PSYCHOLOGY. Yes, you heard it right. I am quite enjoying it. I finally got my book today. I have done the first test and yes I only had 2 mistakes! I am very satisfied with the result. I have just got the book today but I have also studied some via internet when the book was not here. If there's a will, there's a way!
I'm still studying and I find everything really, really interesting. I am really glad I started studying psychology. I am also listening to classical music at the same time. I can't help but wave my hands or pretend like I'm the conductor when I hear a really good piece, usually a piece I know. Haha. So a break is a must when I am doing this. I just did it like 3 minutes ago. Haha.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
The snow has come!
Welcome back, swedish snow! I have missed you!
I just finished my tea and will be watching the continuation of the film Sense and Sensibility.
I have been studying so hard the past few days and now my brain needs a little break.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Victorian dreams
I have always been interested in the victorian period and now I'd like to post photos of the two most important rooms for me.
First is the drawing room. Who wouldn't love to hang out in the drawing room? As one who is very passionate about music, I would most definitely spend most of my time in this room. I'd open the curtains in the morning and let the sunshine in while I play the piano - all day long (thinking of Morgenstimmung by Edvard Grieg, haha). I'd love to invite my friends and spend a good time in this room. Some tea would be highly appreciated. TEAHOLIC.
I'd be like:
This would be the second room. The dining room! I love eating, I really do. Haha! I am a food lover and I'd surely be spending a lot of time in this room as well. I'd be very delighted to be in this dining room because not only would I enjoy the food, I'd also enjoy everything I see in this room. It would absolutely feel fantastic.
I feel warm and happy inside, seeing these rooms. I did not choose the bedroom since I would probably sleep in one of these rooms, haha! I just thought I'd like to write about this stuff because I'd like to see if my taste changes later (though I think it won't). I might get a victorian house someday, who knows?
Monday, 14 October 2013
Edna, leave Mr. Tom Branson alone, please. Thank you.
Det stämmer faktiskt ganska mycket!
Sorry for my late update, diary! Is quite busy. Need to study hard! Studying looooads of Psychology. Quite fun, I must say. New episode of Downton Abbey has come today! I am soooo happy. I feel sorry for Tom, truly. I hope Edna stops being such a pain in the arse and leave Tom alone. I hate her, she's trying too hard to get him even if it is so obvious that Tom does NOT like her. She should go. Really. MR. CARSON! I need your help. Fire her, now!
Sorry for my late update, diary! Is quite busy. Need to study hard! Studying looooads of Psychology. Quite fun, I must say. New episode of Downton Abbey has come today! I am soooo happy. I feel sorry for Tom, truly. I hope Edna stops being such a pain in the arse and leave Tom alone. I hate her, she's trying too hard to get him even if it is so obvious that Tom does NOT like her. She should go. Really. MR. CARSON! I need your help. Fire her, now!
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Fina Söndag
God is good. God is great.
I was supposed to wake up 7:00 but did not hear the alarm clock so I woke up 7:34 instead, haha!
I put on my clothes real quick, ate my breakfast real quick and (power)walked to Krylbo.
I was 15 minutes late. They had already started vocal warm-ups when I arrived around 9. We had 4 musicians on piano, bass, guitar and drums. I was quite satisfied with our performance and I enjoyed it. Can't wait to rehearse again next week. Haha. Oh, I walked in the woods on my way to Krylbo and it was really beautiful. All the wonderful colours of autumn!
Autumn is a magical season, indeed.
We had fika right after the performance, had a chat with the folks, then headed for the kitties at Ida's. They were so cute! All three were black. Then I headed back home, made some tea for Mom, played guitar and sang random songs.
Now I'm having tea again. Yes, teaholic, I know.
Done cleaning. My bed is all clean and my guitar is in my bed. It sleeps beside me. It's my baby.
We had fika right after the performance, had a chat with the folks, then headed for the kitties at Ida's. They were so cute! All three were black. Then I headed back home, made some tea for Mom, played guitar and sang random songs.
Now I'm having tea again. Yes, teaholic, I know.
Done cleaning. My bed is all clean and my guitar is in my bed. It sleeps beside me. It's my baby.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
"Vilken underbar . . . "
Okej, om 5 minuter är det 3:e Oktober!
Idag är det alltså 2:a Oktober. Äntligen är jag med i kören. Vi repar i stan. Jag frågade om Johannes och Ida ville vara med och ja det ville dom! Vad kul. Vi trodde inte att det skulle vara så där kul, faktiskt. Det var kul, och jag kunde de flesta av låtarna! Vi kör lite gospel. Roligt. Vi tog en liten paus och då passade jag på att dricka vatten. Efter repet gick vi till plushuset där de hade en sån grej där det var massa tjejer. Killar fick vara med, men de fick inte ta korv med bröd. HAHAHAHA. Det var så kul tyckte jag. Jag fick ta. All right, och Johannes som var så hungrig ville så gärna ha också. När han skulle fråga om han fick ta så sa gubben att han inte fick ta för han är kille. Men vi fick ta åt honom, som tur var. Haha, stackars. Anyways, vi gick runt lite och träffade Emma C. Emelie också. Vad kul att se dom! Vi var på röda korset idag och Ida köpte en fin svart kavaj och några skjortor.
På söndag kör vi med kören kvart i 9 i Krylbo kyrkan. Ska bli kul, längtar!
Just ja . . . jag körde massa "vilken underbar" ikväll. Vet inte, jag kände det på mig bara. Så jag sa massa saker när vi gick runt affärer. Typ ... "vilken underbar sko! vilken underbar affär! vilken underbar korv!" You name it. Allt var typ underbart, haha. Så klart jag skojade, lol!
All right. Nu måste jag typ titta på Downton Abbey och göra något annat. Kanske plugga Franska. Jo, det måste jag verkligen göra.
Idag är det alltså 2:a Oktober. Äntligen är jag med i kören. Vi repar i stan. Jag frågade om Johannes och Ida ville vara med och ja det ville dom! Vad kul. Vi trodde inte att det skulle vara så där kul, faktiskt. Det var kul, och jag kunde de flesta av låtarna! Vi kör lite gospel. Roligt. Vi tog en liten paus och då passade jag på att dricka vatten. Efter repet gick vi till plushuset där de hade en sån grej där det var massa tjejer. Killar fick vara med, men de fick inte ta korv med bröd. HAHAHAHA. Det var så kul tyckte jag. Jag fick ta. All right, och Johannes som var så hungrig ville så gärna ha också. När han skulle fråga om han fick ta så sa gubben att han inte fick ta för han är kille. Men vi fick ta åt honom, som tur var. Haha, stackars. Anyways, vi gick runt lite och träffade Emma C. Emelie också. Vad kul att se dom! Vi var på röda korset idag och Ida köpte en fin svart kavaj och några skjortor.
På söndag kör vi med kören kvart i 9 i Krylbo kyrkan. Ska bli kul, längtar!
Just ja . . . jag körde massa "vilken underbar" ikväll. Vet inte, jag kände det på mig bara. Så jag sa massa saker när vi gick runt affärer. Typ ... "vilken underbar sko! vilken underbar affär! vilken underbar korv!" You name it. Allt var typ underbart, haha. Så klart jag skojade, lol!
All right. Nu måste jag typ titta på Downton Abbey och göra något annat. Kanske plugga Franska. Jo, det måste jag verkligen göra.
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