Tuesday, 18 February 2014


I've got a cold. I haven't had this for ages! Feels so weird. I have to tell you that I have actually received goodie stuff today. Homemade müsli bars from Sallwa and baozi from Camille, haha! Also, Victor gave me a piece of clothe so I could make my poncho. Lol. How nice are these people? Last time, Julia baked semlor and brought one for me and herself; we fikad it at the Uni. 

Feels like I get a lot of stuff from my friends. Who's the next victim? Haha! 

So tomorrow I'm going to join a "fraternity" at the Uni. The initiation is ongoing for two weeks, I believe. The poncho is actually for this, haha. 

My cousin finally received my present for her. She liked it very much. :)

I had poetry lessons today and it was really fun. The professor was quite funny and he was really good. Eversince I started my studies at the Uni, I've never really felt something like this. I enjoyed the class a lot. I guess it's because poetry is like music to me; they're work in the same way and they are both things that requires creative thinking. Poetry is art, indeed. I almost got teary-eyed when he showed some very beautiful poems. 

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