Sunday, 3 November 2013


I did not come to the movie night my friends were having tonight. I just felt like I wanted to stay at home and study and feel cozy in my bed and just . . . just . . . just read books. Right now I am checking out some music that I want to have in my music player. This is important, okay? I need music whenever I go out. As soon as I step out of the door, I need to be ready. Like a girl scout, you know? I need to have good earphones, and good sound quality it must be. The sound is very important too, okay? As someone who plays music, sound quality is very important. I hope you comprehend, my dear online-ish diary.

Minutes ago, I watched a video of people dancing very beautifully. Gracefully, altogether. I almost cried, the tears were almost there. Why am I always like this? I always cry to things that are beautiful, specifically creative, artistic, aesthetic things, you know? I just can't help it. I am always like this. Whatever it is I see - someone acting, someone dancing, someone playing music, someone singing, someone drawing/painting, someone filming something beautiful, someone . . . just someone doing something beautiful that touches my heart and soul! I guess that is why they call me an aesthete. Can I help it? I can't. This is me.

Now I shall proceed looking up good music. I miss Downton Abbey. I hope a new episode comes out soon. I am planning to buy some book related to Downton Abbey, still deciding which book. Today I've ordered 3 new books. 2 Jane Austen's and 1 entitled Little Women. Looking forward to receiving these books. I honestly feel that classic books are more fun to read. I enjoy them more, that's what counts. Also, I feel like I learn more from them than 'contemporary' books. I am sure I'm not alone in this. There must be people out there feeling and thinking the same way.

Here is how I looked like last time. I love my coat. My hat has always been a part of me, nothing new.

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