Sunday, 30 November 2014

Friday, 28 November 2014

Jaga dina drömmar

"Du ska absolut jaga dina drömmar, jag förstår att det ligger dig mycket varmt om hjärtat bara utifrån hur du skriver. Din passion lyser igenom."

Detta skrev en person till mig. Ååååhh. Tears.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

New capo , runes and stuff

My Kyser capo is finally here... and my Hendrix guitar strap! Ready for some recording soon! Exciting.

It's quite cold today. It snowed a little this morning so it's quite white outside. When it snows even more I will go to into the woods and be there for awhile. I want to see how beautiful the forest is during the winter and who knows I might get some inspiration and write a song about it! :D

I've been like a personal psychologist lately . . . now there's another guy talking to me about his relationship that has fallen out and as usual I am trying to help, haha. It feels really good though.

By the way, if I would ever get a tattoo someday, I'd like something that has to do with music and history. I am thinking of some music symbol, a bird, and perhaps something in Norse runes.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Norse mythology, the middle ages, vikings, fantasy, elves

I don't know why but I am so into these things right now and I really feel inspired. Right now I feel like I want to write songs and poems that has to do with these things. Also, I really feel like buying a book to inspire me even more.


Gosh. Jag vill ha raven som husdjur. Undrar om det går ? Haha.

Jag vill bygga en egen båt, och fiska . . . jag vill fiska!!!!!!!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Pretty tired.

I feel pretty tired today. I think I am going to watch the new episode of The Walking Dead. Exciting!
Also, I have been composing music to Mom's lyrics. She thinks it sounds epic and a bit LOTR-ish, and she felt like she was watching a film. Haha. She seems to like the music very much. I told her that it's maybe what I am good at. Lite filmisk musik så där. LOL.

Philip ba: Jag skulle vilja kalla din musikstil "målande" eller visuell kanske Den är filmiskt på sånt sätt att man får en tydlig bild av hur musiken låter.

Tack P!

Thursday, 20 November 2014


Sometimes when I realise that it's time to sleep I tend to listen to music all night and I sleep very late. I can't help it, I feel really tempted listening to music before I sleep. I kind of really listen to every detail of the song; it's what actually keeps me up. At the moment I am listening to lots of Hendrix.
We all have our own heroes and he is one of mine. I can't remember how I started listening to Hendrix but I remember the first time I listened to him it just blew me away and I got hooked immediately. I have never been playing guitar this much eversince I started writing my own compositions. I just . . . love it and I can't get enough. I want to get better at playing guitar.
Anyways, I am not a Fender kind of guy (I'm more of a Gibson) but sometimes I just feel like playing on a Fender guitar because it somehow makes me feel like my hero and I don't know why but I associate Fender with Hendrix. Hendrix is Fender and Fender is Hendrix.


"There is no such thing as 'the greatest'. Art isn't sport. It's not a competition. There is no best painter, no best sculptor, no best guitar player, no best writer etc... You can measure how good someone is by their technical skills, but it doesn't mean shit artistically. Hendrix wasn't a guitar player, he was an artist."

Someone wrote this comment on a Hendrix video on Youtube. I couldn't agree more.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Idag hämtade Ida mig för att fika hos Isabels familj! Åh vad länge sen vi sågs sist. God fika och trevligt fika! Vi gick upp till Isabels gamla rum igen; jag ville dit. Varje gång jag är där känner jag för att gå upp till Isabels rum. Vet inte, för jag saknar henne kanske. Jag fick läsa en grej hon hade skrivit i skolan. Hon skrev på engelska. Åh. Saknar henne. Vi fikade budapest och té. Jag gillade téet! Det var caramel flavour.

Så nu skrev jag en allvarlig fråga till min gamla bästa gitarrlärare

"Jag har en fråga förresten, hur skulle jag göra ifall jag "rockar för hårt" på gitarren när man spelar live? Jag gillar inte när folk säger "rocka inte för hårt" för det går ju inte. Det händer att axelbandet ramlar av, och jag vet inte hur jag ska lösa detta."

Haha. När en vän fick läsa detta skrattade han. "DAT QUESTION." Hahah! Åh förresten, jag längtar till Halestorms nya album. Tror den kommer bli asbra.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Vilken dag alltså!


Idag hade jag jättekul. Runt kl 14 var jag i Krylbo. Ingemar mötte mig vid Coop Konsum. Vi köpte morotskaka, sedan gick vi till honom. Där var hans fru men hon var på väg å åka någonstans för att spela! Vi satte oss och spelade medans vi fikade. Åhhh, så många instrument hos Ingemar! :D Man blir så glad. Så kul att det är så många gitarrer och alla sitter på stolarna/soffan/fåtöljerna... hahaha.
Jag skulle först låna en strata, men det blev... den här fina semiakustiska yamaha! Åhh, jag är så nöjd. Den är så vacker och kul att spela! Jag blev så glad när jag fick låna den för jag trodde inte att jag skulle få! Är så glad. Jag får t o m låna den till inspelningen. Längtar! Längtar tills min producentvän träffar den, haha :D

Så vi jammade och det var jättekul! Jag fick också gamla gitarrpapper som jag hade förut när jag gick gitarr för honom. Useful things ! :D  Är inte denna gitarr vacker så säg! Jag tycker om den, och min drömgura ser nästan ut som den! Jag spelade mina låtar för honom och jag är så glad för han tycker verkligen om dom. Han ville t o m lära sig en av dom som är ganska bluesig, haha. :D Sen snackade vi mycket om musik, och vad mina låtar handlar om, var jag får inspiration när jag skriver, osv. Han tyckte det var intressant att jag brukar ha klassisk musik i bakgrunden när jag skriver låttexter. Det funkar ganska bra för mig! Brukar lyssna på Chopin mest. Sen lyssnade vi på några skivor han hade varit med och spela gitarr. Jättekul att höra dom, han spelar ju så bra! Jag fick spela lite piano med. Vi gick på en promenad jag, han o hans fru. De gick halvvägs med mig, sen gick jag själv. Det var så mysigt. Regnade lite. Jag sjöng i regnet, haha. Jag älskar verkligen musik och jag känner verkligen att det är det här jag kommer göra! <3 Nu tänker jag så mycket på den här gitarren. Jag kommer nog vakna tidigt för att spela på den imorgon! haha. Sen så sa jag till honom när vi pratade att jag vet att jag inte är så bra på gitarr, men när jag väl spelar så spelar jag från hela mitt hjärta och själ och det är nog därför vissa tycker jag är så bra även fast jag inte är det, och jag säger det till dom. Man behöver egentligen inte vara så bra för att röra en människas hjärta med sin musik. Rör jag någon sträng i en människas hjärta betyder det allt för mig. Då är jag nöjd. Han sa något  i stil med "du spelar som att musik är livet, det är därför det är så kul att spela med dig". Ja, så känner jag varje gång jag spelar musik. Klyschigt nog men . . . musik är livet.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Choosing the right guitar for me

It's hard to decide whether I should buy a strat or an ES. I love both, but ergonomically strat is the best choice. :( I really love the ES though, and it really suits the music I play. Decisions, decisions.

Also, which amp? Vox? Orange? Fender?

I've been checking out amps and guitars on the internet for hoooours now. Can't stop, it's addicting! XD

Vox AC15VR
Orange Crush CR60C

One of the best poets I know wrote this . . . for me! :O I can't believe it.

She is a bird who sings and plays
  Such songs as make one weep.
Such grace and beauty she displays,
  Her talents run twice deep.
She comes from Nordic stock where spells
  Are woven in her lovely soul.
This girl bewitches and compels,
  Her virtues I could long extol.

A being near celestial, pure
  As sunshine on a hidden sea.
While I stand on the furthest shore,
  And watch her there most silently.
A daughter of the king, a gem
  Whose warmth can melt all ice,
Her hair a pretty diadem,
  She is that pearl of greatest price!

I am so touched. This poet is one of the best, and is so very kind. 

Quote of the day:

“The poorest man in the world is the man without a dream. The most frustrated man in the world is the man with a dream that never becomes reality.” - Myles Munroe

I also would like to share this link to motivate the dreamers out there! --> DREAMERS.


I want to celebrate this day. At last, my mother has come to her senses. We'll see how we will go from here.

Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away

So, yesterday I needed to do something and bought an envelope. There were different colours to choose from but I chose black. A little uncommon but I liked it! Then I sent my letter to a dear friend. Also, I have ordered Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane! :D I'm so excited.  I and Mom stopped by this new boutique in Plushuset. It is owned by Svenskakyrkan! :) When they found out that we were musicians, they asked for our number. I realised I haven't had mobile phone for awhile now, so I told them about it. They were surprised!

"A young person without a mobile phone, how unusual!" said a woman in complete shock and disbelief when she asked for my mobile number. Haha. I really enjoy my life without a phone for now. Life feels great and peaceful. No distractions. Also, I am more productive than ever. 

16:40 Hey! I showered for like an hour ago and I was there for like 40 minutes or something. Blame the shower walls; they sound like bass and snare drums. :D I had to sing and play the songs in my EP, haha. So there's one thing I am thinking of right now... I'd love to do things the conventional way and I am talking about therapies and such. You know, for example, if you're feeling depressed, we could, like, find out things to fight your depression! I have read about it a little, to be honest. Hehe. It would be cozy and nice! I wouldn't go to a therapist right away. 


I wonder why I have this thing for fantasy. I didn't like it before but realised recently that I kind of love it.
I like reading books, listening to music, or photographs that take me somewhere else. I like escapism, I guess. I think it's because the *real* world I live in is not so ideal and I feel like escaping for a while helps me deal with the hurt, the pain, the emotional stress and all that. I am not saying that I want to escape forever, but it helps me to cope with my situation. When I write, I like to write about things that don't usually exist in this world. My fantasy. 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tyler Knott Gregson

Hi! So I was looking around on Goodreads when I saw this award thingee going on. You could vote for your favourite books in different categories. I voted this book called Chasers of the Light in the Poetry category. I just thought his words are so beautiful. Reminds me a bit of I Wrote This For You but a little better I think. Although I am not sure if it's better because they really are both good. The photographs in I Wrote This For You makes it even more interesting. I liked I Wrote This For You but since I could only vote for one I had to choose Chasers of Light. Sometimes when words are too beautiful I can't help but shed a tear. Haha. I'll buy this book together with Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane. Also Ransom Rigg's Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Saturday. Shower.

So we played some music at the nursing home and it went very well! The songs were beautiful I'd love to sing them again.

I just showered just now by the way. Time check it's 21:51. I and Mom have been talking and laughing for hoooours. We've been talking about funny and serious stuff, like we used to do. We also checked out some beautiful photos on the internet, haha.

Sooooo.... back to the shower topic.
What took me so long in the shower today? Well, I've just found out that our bathroom walls have a great bass and snare drum sound! :D I decided to sing and drum at the same time. XD It was good.
I also like how I sound when I sing in the shower. I like that organic reverb effect that makes my voice seem like its hanging in the air long after each note is made!

What this poet thought I was

"I had assumed that you were a classical composer. Hard rock! I thought members of hard rock bands were hard driving, hard drinking people who do not suffer fools gladly, who swear and curse like sailors and would be happy to get into a fist fight with anyone for any reason! But what I know about you, you are the polar opposite: sweet, emotional, given to tears easily, and kind." 

Friday, 7 November 2014

One of the reasons why music has become so important to me

... is because I've been through a lot in my childhood, most of these memories were not beautiful and I just feel like I can express myself so well through my music. Music is such a perfect and great outlet for me. I've been touched by different kinds of music and songs but after all I have been through I feel like it's about time I share something, in hopes of inspiring people and touching their hearts. Who knows, some of them have gone through the same thing? I can't wait to share my music!

Pepperoni. Pizza. Poetry.

Dear diary,

I went to practice songs with Kerstin. The songs she chose were so beautiful. We're going to play at the Home for the Aged tomorrow around 11 AM. She added 1 new song but I learned it quite fast so we're going to play it tomorrow too. After the practice, I saw the town's library having an art exhibit so I went in and checked it out. There were really beautiful paintings!
When I came home, I made some homemade pizza with my little bro. He seems to like cooking and it makes me glad! He helped me with the cheese, cutting the sausages, paprika, everything! He's been a good boy today. The pizza was a success. Also, we practiced reading a little (in English!). He's good! I hope he'll become interested in reading and books someday. I've got two medals on Allpoetry by the way! One green and one silver today! :D I'm glad and now I want to write even more ! Haha my little brother said we should celebrate if I get a gold medal someday. He's funny.
Now I'm gonna eat some pizza and lots of pepperoni!

21:16  Vi har byggt en liten koja här i min säng, jag o min lillebror. Haha. Mysiiiigt! :D


I really love the piano, you know. I love playing it. Thing is, I don't have piano anymore. The one I have here is a Yamaha keyboard which I really don't like because it feels plastic-y and you know that feeling when you're playing on a bad instrument, it feels like you're automatically bad as well. What made me emotional today is when someone asked me about his struggling with left-hand coordination and I advised him from my personal experience that it's just a matter of time and loooots of practice. Afterwards, I felt overwhelmed and it made me remember of how much I'd given just to be able to learn this instrument. I would practice for hoooours. I can't help my tears now.

Also, I think most of the people think I am really good at it just because they think I play with such emotion and I do, I can't deny that, but I don't think I deserve it because honestly I am not really good. But one thing's for sure: improvisation is really my thing.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

I've been doing poetry lately

Well, I have been writing a lot of poetry these past few days. I have been sleeping very late too.Still working on my little "poetry book" that I want to publish online, PDF. It would be fun to get a physical copy of it too, though. Someday, maybe. Well, who knows, there will be people reading and liking my poetry, somewhere out there. Haha. I have to go and do an important thing but I still haven't done it because of this whole writing thing. I've been writing so much lately, and I enjoy it! Not whining or anything at all. :) Also, I've been very observant eversince I started writings songs and poetry for real. I think all artists are quite observant in nature. They need to observe, to feel, to hear, to see. Don't you agree? That's how we get ideas. That's how we become inspired.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Poetry and tears of joy

I'm crying. Just look at this poem, it's so beautiful. Read it. :( I was so touched. The words are so beautiful and I just really had that very picture in my head and I was so glad to have found such poem that perfectly and beautifully described that picture.

Thank you, Eusebius. Keep on writing! I will definitely buy if you publish a book. Haha.


Okay, so this poet Eusebius gave me his real name and told me to search him on Google so I did. Ah! Most impressive. I really love his work. Not going to have second thoughts.


A friend told me I'm too creative that I don't know what to do with it anymore. Yes, there are moments that I really feel like doing all at the same time but sadly it's not possible. Hahaha. I can't just go out and take photos with my camera and then write music at the same time, can I?

I am raelly motivated and happy and inspired right now because I am getting very good feedbacks on my poems. It feels like the people in this poetry community appreciate my work more than ever. I feel soooo inspired.

Ist die beste!

I like this painting we have at home. I wish Mom will give it to me someday. Haha.

Also, I have been hanging out at allpoetry again. People seem to like my poems more now, haha!
The old ones I wrote were so bad, hahaha.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Wow. :'(

"Du är den bästa musikaliska personen jag känner."

Vilken underbar vän jag har som säger sånna här saker! So much feels right now, can't help the tears. Can't believe it.

5 songs

I fell asleep around 4 am last night and managed to write 5 songs, haha. Insane.
Now I am trying to sing the poems from my Swedish folk poetry book.

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Hey! So it's November 1 and we played some music at the church. Everyone seemed to love it so much, most of the people came to express their gratitude and appreciation of the music. It made me glad, truly. One more thing I have noticed, many of them talked about my hat. One elderly man was like, "Vad fin hatt du har! Och hela du." Aaaw. Then some of them were asking where I got my hat. Haha. They were surprised to have found out how many hats I have. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant downtown. Right now I am chilling and listening to some Hozier. I like his voice and music.


Been cleaning and decorating today. I love my books and my cameras, haha.