So, yesterday I needed to do something and bought an envelope. There were different colours to choose from but I chose black. A little uncommon but I liked it! Then I sent my letter to a dear friend. Also, I have ordered Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane! :D I'm so excited. I and Mom stopped by this new boutique in Plushuset. It is owned by Svenskakyrkan! :) When they found out that we were musicians, they asked for our number. I realised I haven't had mobile phone for awhile now, so I told them about it. They were surprised!
"A young person without a mobile phone, how unusual!" said a woman in complete shock and disbelief when she asked for my mobile number. Haha. I really enjoy my life without a phone for now. Life feels great and peaceful. No distractions. Also, I am more productive than ever.
16:40 Hey! I showered for like an hour ago and I was there for like 40 minutes or something. Blame the shower walls; they sound like bass and snare drums. :D I had to sing and play the songs in my EP, haha. So there's one thing I am thinking of right now... I'd love to do things the conventional way and I am talking about therapies and such. You know, for example, if you're feeling depressed, we could, like, find out things to fight your depression! I have read about it a little, to be honest. Hehe. It would be cozy and nice! I wouldn't go to a therapist right away.
I wonder why I have this thing for fantasy. I didn't like it before but realised recently that I kind of love it.
I like reading books, listening to music, or photographs that take me somewhere else. I like escapism, I guess. I think it's because the *real* world I live in is not so ideal and I feel like escaping for a while helps me deal with the hurt, the pain, the emotional stress and all that. I am not saying that I want to escape forever, but it helps me to cope with my situation. When I write, I like to write about things that don't usually exist in this world. My fantasy.
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