Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Weird stuff

Hej! Konstiga saker hände idag. 
Sitter på ett cafe just nu och dricker varmchoklad. En kille utanför randomly gjorde en thumbs up och stirrade på mig hahaha. Kul att jag kunde ha poker face XD På tåget har jag skaffat en ny kompis. Han heter Oskar tror jag. Han var schysst. Vi pratade musik och vi hann shoppa till o med! Han behövde en vinterjacka, så vi gick runt o letade o slutade med en snygg svart rock i lagom längd på Dressman. Jag har handlat klänning till nyårsafton men även sen julklapp till min vännina Jessa. :D jag är ganska varm för jag har en pälsjacka på mig haha~ 

PS han frågade mitt nummer så jag ba okej. Och en till kille när jag väntade på tåget i Avesta frågade om mitt nummer med. Hahahah

Monday, 29 December 2014

29 DECEMBER 20:28


Idag fick jag träffa Kim, en jättebra vän till mig. Vi har inte setts på nästan två år - helt sjukt!
Äntligen fick vi ses idag. Vi pratade böcker och fikade. :D Tiden gick fort. Sen gick vi och köpte té och glass! Åh vad jag har verkligen saknat henne.
Och vet du vad...? Jag har börjat skriva en "bok" . . . hahaha. Jag försöker i alla fall. Jag blev inspirerad av Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane och jag ba: nee nu måste jag också skriva nåt! XD Haha. Och vet du vaaaad? Jag köpte laddare till min mobil nu - äntligen! Efter fleeeera månader, hahaha. Men jag vägrar fylla på den. Orkar inte.
Och nu har jag också gjort cover art till min EP! Jag är ganska nöjd med den faktiskt! :D
I alla fall så har folk börjat svara min annons och vi får se vem jag väljer. Jag ska nog bestämma senare efter nyårsfirandet o så. Men jag längtar tills nyårsafton! Sen så längtar jag på nyårsdagen för då kommer jag jobba i studion direkt, hahah :D

Saturday, 27 December 2014

My coldest winter experience

Hello! Kom hem för några minuter sedan. Tydligen skulle bussen stanna vid järnvägsstationen; den åkkte inte vidare till stan så jag ba . . . okeeeeej. Jag gick från Krylbo till stan och det var så fruktansvärt kallt. Jag fick ont i huvet, öron o hela ansiktet. Jag frös som bara den! Var nästan svimfärdig. Det konstiga dock var att mina vader enda till fötterna var varma! Aldrig hänt mig förut. Finns det någon scientific explanation till detta eller var det ett slags mirakel? Thank God i alla fall!
Jag kände mig nästan desperat och var nästan på väg på att fråga någon random bil där för att skjutsa mig hem men . . . jag gick vidare ändå. Skakade som bara den, var nästan blå i ansiktet. Jag var i alla fall hos en bästis och han fick té och tésil som ser ut som hus, haha :D Jag fick munspel av honom, omg! :O Perfekt! Är så glad. Han har dock nya instrument! En klarinett och sen så beställde han en fiol som är på väg. Alltså, det kändes så jazzigt med klarinett, haha. Han spelade lite, det kändes väldigt jazzigt! Jag vill ha det med, men vill ha tvärflöjt just nu! Spelade mina låtar för honom lite grann. Han tyckte det lät väldigt skandinaviskt medeltid, haha! Blev så glad, jag lyckades alltså fånga den känslan i min musik!? Häftigt! Vi drack té, åt massa olika bröd o kakor. Gott. Vi spelade lite piano med. Han spelade nåt som jag gillade . . . nåt med Aram Kachaturian tror jag han hette. Förresten, jag kanske ska fira nyår i Stockholm ! :D

P.S. Jag spelade lite munspel på vägen hem men sen blev det svinkallt så jag ba.. :'( hahhahaha

Friday, 26 December 2014

Folk music and thoughts on hidden feelings

Now playing: The Universe - Gregory Alan Isakov
Time: 22:29  

Dear Diary,

For some reason this song The Universe makes me feel calm and sad, and Gregory's voice reminds me of this guy I've always liked. Me and this guy haven't had a constant communication; it's on and off. Sometimes we talk a lot, and sometimes we don't talk for days . . . weeks . . . months. We've always been good friends though, and I think that's what matters to me the most. So you see, I like him but I don't think I will ever dare let him know. This is the part where I can really say that we're better off as friends, although who knows what life has in store? Time will tell. I am just glad he messaged me again and I can't deny that I have missed talking to him. I miss him. Why am I even saying we're better off as friends? I don't know. I guess we're both too involved with our music and we have no time getting into a relationship. I admire him for that though, because his passion for his art inspires me. Something happened last summer that made me stop talking to him for a while. I don't know, I just felt I had to. I respect him as a person, and he's a good guy . . .  I just didn't want to step out of line. I guess I was scared. He is special to me and I don't want to hurt him or myself in any way. I just had to take a break and lay low. He's a very sweet guy and I cherish him as a very good friend. As I said, we'll never know what the future holds. Who knows, we might realise that we've always liked each other when we're old. I'm just too scared right now, and I just want to feel safe; and when we are good friends with each other, I feel safe.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Season's greetings!

Merry Christmas everyone!

So I got the best Christmas present ever: a Swedish poetry book ! I am so in love with it. The book cover has a golden horse on it, and the background as in the whole book cover is red. The words in it are so beautiful; my heart is aching!!! I love this book. Thanks, Ma!

I just thought I'd say something about music though.
I am still working on my website and I think I am quite satisfied with the background photos I used, as well as the fonts.
My most listened artists/bands this year are:

1. Nat King Cole - He's so jazz. Undoubtedly one of my favourites in jazz music. I am in love with his voice and his music is just so soothing and christmasy in a way. I love this man.
2. Halestorm - Lzzy Hale has been one of my most favourite female rock singers eversince I started listening to them. Her voice is POWER. Very powerful indeed! Love this woman, and the band is just amazing. The songs are good!
3. Jimi Hendrix - I am really inspired by this man guitary speaking. Haha. Groovy, bluesy and rock n' roll - can't get enough! Hendrix is a legend and will always be one of my inspirations in the guitar world.
4. Band of Skulls - There's just something about this band that made me a big fan. The catchy riffs, the dirty sound, the harmony singing, their cool aura, the rock n' roll blues, and the fact that they sound like they are more than three! Himalayan is definitely my favourite album of the year and I cannot wait to get my vinyl copy!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Just give.

Tyckte synd om denna kvinna på mammas jobb. Hon hade haft på sig sommarskor hela tiden. Hon sa att hon inte hade råd med nya vinterskor för hon har skickat alla pengar till sina barn i Eritrea. :( Hon kom hem till oss och mamma gav henne två knappt använda vinterskor. Man såg i hennes ögon hur glad hon blev.

Monday, 22 December 2014

22:45 Måndag

Har du någonsin tvingat någon köpa dig julklapp? Det har jag allt gjort för första gången idag, hahahaha. XD


Heeeej! Gosh. I just have to write this down because I just saw the sky and the clouds and they were so dark like really dark and I was speechless for a second; it was so beautiful. Felt like I was watching a film or something! Looked very apocalyptic, haha! And the birds were flying around at the same time. I wish I had a really good camera and captured that scene; I thought it would have been a perfect cover art or something.

So by the way, I got a delivery notice from the post office and I haven't ordered anything so I am very curious (and nervous) as to what this thing could be. I am feeling a little paranoid and thinking of things like a bloody head or finger in a box, hahaha. Blame my wild fantasies! I should think a little positive. What if it's a guitar or an amplifier or something?!?!? Gaaah :D Life is indeed full of surprises. We'll see what it is!

Friday, 19 December 2014


Hej klockan är två jag borde sova men istället så sitter jag här med gitarren i handen och försöker göra egen tolkning på Vivaldi's Summer på gitarr. Ganska kul. Sen vill jag också göra en koreografi till detta, haha.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

I'm on fiiiiire

Gjorde klart . . . sju låtar idag. Hahahahaha. Philip ba: "Daaamn, har du druckit mycket kaffe nu igen?"

Haha. Absolutely not. Jag har knappt druckit nåt. Låtarna blev väldigt folkiga och bluesiga.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

22:48 Söndag

Hej! Kom hem nyss. My train arrived 21:19 in Krylbo. Jag har varit i Stockholm sedan i tisdags kväll för att spela in EP:n. Det känns bra! Det har varit väldigt kul. Vaknade varje dag för att spela in; åhhh, verkligen ett sånt underbart jobb. Jobba på musik varje dag. Vi spelade in i Gamla Stan där min vän bor. Han kommer mixa alla låtar. Vi har valt 6 låtar och har bestämt oss för att ta bort de blues/rockiga låtarna och kör dom till nästa EPn istället. Denna EP känns väldigt folkigt; så vi har valt de låtarna som är ganska folkiga. Mycket 3-takt! :) Jag är ganska nöjd. Tog med mig en semi-akustisk gitarr, elbas, och en väska till Stockholm så det vart jättetungt hahaha. Fick "träningsvärk" dagen efter. Vi kollade på The Hobbit förresten! Den var ganska bra, jag fick lite tårar. Glömde äta popcorn för jag var så fokuserad på filmen. Åhhh. Ska kolla på den igen hemma så jag kan gråta på riktigt, hahaha. Man kunde ju inte gråta så mycket där på bion. Det här måste jag säga är min riktiga "första gången" på bio för jag var verkligen vaken, inte illamående och verkligen var inne i det, haha.
Har träffat Sissi en snabbis och vi fikade, handlade julklappar och nya instrument till EPn. Jag köpte en tamburin på 4Sound och shaker på Hellstone, yaaay! Nu längtar jag tills EPn är klar. Jag pratar med en till kompis nu också som kanske vill collaborate för att göra cover art till EP:n! :D
Just ja, jag har ju varken pengar på mobilen eller mobil, så jag kunde inte ringa Mamma när jag kom hem. Vart utelåst i 30 minuter, hahahaha.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Went for a walk in the woods with Mom

So today I and Mom went for a walk in the woods. We had our devotion; we said our prayers and listened to some beautiful music. We walked around and it's just so beautiful. I must say that there is something spiritual and mystical about the woods. If you need to go and meditate, read, write songs/poems, sing your lungs out, scream at the top of your lungs when you're angry, cry your eyes out, or if you just need a moment of peace and quiet: the forest is a perfect place to do all these things. When I was there today, I also thought how spiritual the drums are. I was thinking of tribes who use drums when they worship, and you could really feel it. There's something spiritual about the sound. This is what I have felt, that's all.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Friday, 28 November 2014

Jaga dina drömmar

"Du ska absolut jaga dina drömmar, jag förstår att det ligger dig mycket varmt om hjärtat bara utifrån hur du skriver. Din passion lyser igenom."

Detta skrev en person till mig. Ååååhh. Tears.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

New capo , runes and stuff

My Kyser capo is finally here... and my Hendrix guitar strap! Ready for some recording soon! Exciting.

It's quite cold today. It snowed a little this morning so it's quite white outside. When it snows even more I will go to into the woods and be there for awhile. I want to see how beautiful the forest is during the winter and who knows I might get some inspiration and write a song about it! :D

I've been like a personal psychologist lately . . . now there's another guy talking to me about his relationship that has fallen out and as usual I am trying to help, haha. It feels really good though.

By the way, if I would ever get a tattoo someday, I'd like something that has to do with music and history. I am thinking of some music symbol, a bird, and perhaps something in Norse runes.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Norse mythology, the middle ages, vikings, fantasy, elves

I don't know why but I am so into these things right now and I really feel inspired. Right now I feel like I want to write songs and poems that has to do with these things. Also, I really feel like buying a book to inspire me even more.


Gosh. Jag vill ha raven som husdjur. Undrar om det går ? Haha.

Jag vill bygga en egen båt, och fiska . . . jag vill fiska!!!!!!!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Pretty tired.

I feel pretty tired today. I think I am going to watch the new episode of The Walking Dead. Exciting!
Also, I have been composing music to Mom's lyrics. She thinks it sounds epic and a bit LOTR-ish, and she felt like she was watching a film. Haha. She seems to like the music very much. I told her that it's maybe what I am good at. Lite filmisk musik så där. LOL.

Philip ba: Jag skulle vilja kalla din musikstil "målande" eller visuell kanske Den är filmiskt på sånt sätt att man får en tydlig bild av hur musiken låter.

Tack P!

Thursday, 20 November 2014


Sometimes when I realise that it's time to sleep I tend to listen to music all night and I sleep very late. I can't help it, I feel really tempted listening to music before I sleep. I kind of really listen to every detail of the song; it's what actually keeps me up. At the moment I am listening to lots of Hendrix.
We all have our own heroes and he is one of mine. I can't remember how I started listening to Hendrix but I remember the first time I listened to him it just blew me away and I got hooked immediately. I have never been playing guitar this much eversince I started writing my own compositions. I just . . . love it and I can't get enough. I want to get better at playing guitar.
Anyways, I am not a Fender kind of guy (I'm more of a Gibson) but sometimes I just feel like playing on a Fender guitar because it somehow makes me feel like my hero and I don't know why but I associate Fender with Hendrix. Hendrix is Fender and Fender is Hendrix.


"There is no such thing as 'the greatest'. Art isn't sport. It's not a competition. There is no best painter, no best sculptor, no best guitar player, no best writer etc... You can measure how good someone is by their technical skills, but it doesn't mean shit artistically. Hendrix wasn't a guitar player, he was an artist."

Someone wrote this comment on a Hendrix video on Youtube. I couldn't agree more.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Idag hämtade Ida mig för att fika hos Isabels familj! Åh vad länge sen vi sågs sist. God fika och trevligt fika! Vi gick upp till Isabels gamla rum igen; jag ville dit. Varje gång jag är där känner jag för att gå upp till Isabels rum. Vet inte, för jag saknar henne kanske. Jag fick läsa en grej hon hade skrivit i skolan. Hon skrev på engelska. Åh. Saknar henne. Vi fikade budapest och té. Jag gillade téet! Det var caramel flavour.

Så nu skrev jag en allvarlig fråga till min gamla bästa gitarrlärare

"Jag har en fråga förresten, hur skulle jag göra ifall jag "rockar för hårt" på gitarren när man spelar live? Jag gillar inte när folk säger "rocka inte för hårt" för det går ju inte. Det händer att axelbandet ramlar av, och jag vet inte hur jag ska lösa detta."

Haha. När en vän fick läsa detta skrattade han. "DAT QUESTION." Hahah! Åh förresten, jag längtar till Halestorms nya album. Tror den kommer bli asbra.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Vilken dag alltså!


Idag hade jag jättekul. Runt kl 14 var jag i Krylbo. Ingemar mötte mig vid Coop Konsum. Vi köpte morotskaka, sedan gick vi till honom. Där var hans fru men hon var på väg å åka någonstans för att spela! Vi satte oss och spelade medans vi fikade. Åhhh, så många instrument hos Ingemar! :D Man blir så glad. Så kul att det är så många gitarrer och alla sitter på stolarna/soffan/fåtöljerna... hahaha.
Jag skulle först låna en strata, men det blev... den här fina semiakustiska yamaha! Åhh, jag är så nöjd. Den är så vacker och kul att spela! Jag blev så glad när jag fick låna den för jag trodde inte att jag skulle få! Är så glad. Jag får t o m låna den till inspelningen. Längtar! Längtar tills min producentvän träffar den, haha :D

Så vi jammade och det var jättekul! Jag fick också gamla gitarrpapper som jag hade förut när jag gick gitarr för honom. Useful things ! :D  Är inte denna gitarr vacker så säg! Jag tycker om den, och min drömgura ser nästan ut som den! Jag spelade mina låtar för honom och jag är så glad för han tycker verkligen om dom. Han ville t o m lära sig en av dom som är ganska bluesig, haha. :D Sen snackade vi mycket om musik, och vad mina låtar handlar om, var jag får inspiration när jag skriver, osv. Han tyckte det var intressant att jag brukar ha klassisk musik i bakgrunden när jag skriver låttexter. Det funkar ganska bra för mig! Brukar lyssna på Chopin mest. Sen lyssnade vi på några skivor han hade varit med och spela gitarr. Jättekul att höra dom, han spelar ju så bra! Jag fick spela lite piano med. Vi gick på en promenad jag, han o hans fru. De gick halvvägs med mig, sen gick jag själv. Det var så mysigt. Regnade lite. Jag sjöng i regnet, haha. Jag älskar verkligen musik och jag känner verkligen att det är det här jag kommer göra! <3 Nu tänker jag så mycket på den här gitarren. Jag kommer nog vakna tidigt för att spela på den imorgon! haha. Sen så sa jag till honom när vi pratade att jag vet att jag inte är så bra på gitarr, men när jag väl spelar så spelar jag från hela mitt hjärta och själ och det är nog därför vissa tycker jag är så bra även fast jag inte är det, och jag säger det till dom. Man behöver egentligen inte vara så bra för att röra en människas hjärta med sin musik. Rör jag någon sträng i en människas hjärta betyder det allt för mig. Då är jag nöjd. Han sa något  i stil med "du spelar som att musik är livet, det är därför det är så kul att spela med dig". Ja, så känner jag varje gång jag spelar musik. Klyschigt nog men . . . musik är livet.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Choosing the right guitar for me

It's hard to decide whether I should buy a strat or an ES. I love both, but ergonomically strat is the best choice. :( I really love the ES though, and it really suits the music I play. Decisions, decisions.

Also, which amp? Vox? Orange? Fender?

I've been checking out amps and guitars on the internet for hoooours now. Can't stop, it's addicting! XD

Vox AC15VR
Orange Crush CR60C

One of the best poets I know wrote this . . . for me! :O I can't believe it.

She is a bird who sings and plays
  Such songs as make one weep.
Such grace and beauty she displays,
  Her talents run twice deep.
She comes from Nordic stock where spells
  Are woven in her lovely soul.
This girl bewitches and compels,
  Her virtues I could long extol.

A being near celestial, pure
  As sunshine on a hidden sea.
While I stand on the furthest shore,
  And watch her there most silently.
A daughter of the king, a gem
  Whose warmth can melt all ice,
Her hair a pretty diadem,
  She is that pearl of greatest price!

I am so touched. This poet is one of the best, and is so very kind. 

Quote of the day:

“The poorest man in the world is the man without a dream. The most frustrated man in the world is the man with a dream that never becomes reality.” - Myles Munroe

I also would like to share this link to motivate the dreamers out there! --> DREAMERS.


I want to celebrate this day. At last, my mother has come to her senses. We'll see how we will go from here.

Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away

So, yesterday I needed to do something and bought an envelope. There were different colours to choose from but I chose black. A little uncommon but I liked it! Then I sent my letter to a dear friend. Also, I have ordered Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane! :D I'm so excited.  I and Mom stopped by this new boutique in Plushuset. It is owned by Svenskakyrkan! :) When they found out that we were musicians, they asked for our number. I realised I haven't had mobile phone for awhile now, so I told them about it. They were surprised!

"A young person without a mobile phone, how unusual!" said a woman in complete shock and disbelief when she asked for my mobile number. Haha. I really enjoy my life without a phone for now. Life feels great and peaceful. No distractions. Also, I am more productive than ever. 

16:40 Hey! I showered for like an hour ago and I was there for like 40 minutes or something. Blame the shower walls; they sound like bass and snare drums. :D I had to sing and play the songs in my EP, haha. So there's one thing I am thinking of right now... I'd love to do things the conventional way and I am talking about therapies and such. You know, for example, if you're feeling depressed, we could, like, find out things to fight your depression! I have read about it a little, to be honest. Hehe. It would be cozy and nice! I wouldn't go to a therapist right away. 


I wonder why I have this thing for fantasy. I didn't like it before but realised recently that I kind of love it.
I like reading books, listening to music, or photographs that take me somewhere else. I like escapism, I guess. I think it's because the *real* world I live in is not so ideal and I feel like escaping for a while helps me deal with the hurt, the pain, the emotional stress and all that. I am not saying that I want to escape forever, but it helps me to cope with my situation. When I write, I like to write about things that don't usually exist in this world. My fantasy. 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tyler Knott Gregson

Hi! So I was looking around on Goodreads when I saw this award thingee going on. You could vote for your favourite books in different categories. I voted this book called Chasers of the Light in the Poetry category. I just thought his words are so beautiful. Reminds me a bit of I Wrote This For You but a little better I think. Although I am not sure if it's better because they really are both good. The photographs in I Wrote This For You makes it even more interesting. I liked I Wrote This For You but since I could only vote for one I had to choose Chasers of Light. Sometimes when words are too beautiful I can't help but shed a tear. Haha. I'll buy this book together with Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane. Also Ransom Rigg's Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Saturday. Shower.

So we played some music at the nursing home and it went very well! The songs were beautiful I'd love to sing them again.

I just showered just now by the way. Time check it's 21:51. I and Mom have been talking and laughing for hoooours. We've been talking about funny and serious stuff, like we used to do. We also checked out some beautiful photos on the internet, haha.

Sooooo.... back to the shower topic.
What took me so long in the shower today? Well, I've just found out that our bathroom walls have a great bass and snare drum sound! :D I decided to sing and drum at the same time. XD It was good.
I also like how I sound when I sing in the shower. I like that organic reverb effect that makes my voice seem like its hanging in the air long after each note is made!

What this poet thought I was

"I had assumed that you were a classical composer. Hard rock! I thought members of hard rock bands were hard driving, hard drinking people who do not suffer fools gladly, who swear and curse like sailors and would be happy to get into a fist fight with anyone for any reason! But what I know about you, you are the polar opposite: sweet, emotional, given to tears easily, and kind." 

Friday, 7 November 2014

One of the reasons why music has become so important to me

... is because I've been through a lot in my childhood, most of these memories were not beautiful and I just feel like I can express myself so well through my music. Music is such a perfect and great outlet for me. I've been touched by different kinds of music and songs but after all I have been through I feel like it's about time I share something, in hopes of inspiring people and touching their hearts. Who knows, some of them have gone through the same thing? I can't wait to share my music!

Pepperoni. Pizza. Poetry.

Dear diary,

I went to practice songs with Kerstin. The songs she chose were so beautiful. We're going to play at the Home for the Aged tomorrow around 11 AM. She added 1 new song but I learned it quite fast so we're going to play it tomorrow too. After the practice, I saw the town's library having an art exhibit so I went in and checked it out. There were really beautiful paintings!
When I came home, I made some homemade pizza with my little bro. He seems to like cooking and it makes me glad! He helped me with the cheese, cutting the sausages, paprika, everything! He's been a good boy today. The pizza was a success. Also, we practiced reading a little (in English!). He's good! I hope he'll become interested in reading and books someday. I've got two medals on Allpoetry by the way! One green and one silver today! :D I'm glad and now I want to write even more ! Haha my little brother said we should celebrate if I get a gold medal someday. He's funny.
Now I'm gonna eat some pizza and lots of pepperoni!

21:16  Vi har byggt en liten koja här i min säng, jag o min lillebror. Haha. Mysiiiigt! :D


I really love the piano, you know. I love playing it. Thing is, I don't have piano anymore. The one I have here is a Yamaha keyboard which I really don't like because it feels plastic-y and you know that feeling when you're playing on a bad instrument, it feels like you're automatically bad as well. What made me emotional today is when someone asked me about his struggling with left-hand coordination and I advised him from my personal experience that it's just a matter of time and loooots of practice. Afterwards, I felt overwhelmed and it made me remember of how much I'd given just to be able to learn this instrument. I would practice for hoooours. I can't help my tears now.

Also, I think most of the people think I am really good at it just because they think I play with such emotion and I do, I can't deny that, but I don't think I deserve it because honestly I am not really good. But one thing's for sure: improvisation is really my thing.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

I've been doing poetry lately

Well, I have been writing a lot of poetry these past few days. I have been sleeping very late too.Still working on my little "poetry book" that I want to publish online, PDF. It would be fun to get a physical copy of it too, though. Someday, maybe. Well, who knows, there will be people reading and liking my poetry, somewhere out there. Haha. I have to go and do an important thing but I still haven't done it because of this whole writing thing. I've been writing so much lately, and I enjoy it! Not whining or anything at all. :) Also, I've been very observant eversince I started writings songs and poetry for real. I think all artists are quite observant in nature. They need to observe, to feel, to hear, to see. Don't you agree? That's how we get ideas. That's how we become inspired.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Poetry and tears of joy

I'm crying. Just look at this poem, it's so beautiful. Read it. :( I was so touched. The words are so beautiful and I just really had that very picture in my head and I was so glad to have found such poem that perfectly and beautifully described that picture.

Thank you, Eusebius. Keep on writing! I will definitely buy if you publish a book. Haha.


Okay, so this poet Eusebius gave me his real name and told me to search him on Google so I did. Ah! Most impressive. I really love his work. Not going to have second thoughts.


A friend told me I'm too creative that I don't know what to do with it anymore. Yes, there are moments that I really feel like doing all at the same time but sadly it's not possible. Hahaha. I can't just go out and take photos with my camera and then write music at the same time, can I?

I am raelly motivated and happy and inspired right now because I am getting very good feedbacks on my poems. It feels like the people in this poetry community appreciate my work more than ever. I feel soooo inspired.

Ist die beste!

I like this painting we have at home. I wish Mom will give it to me someday. Haha.

Also, I have been hanging out at allpoetry again. People seem to like my poems more now, haha!
The old ones I wrote were so bad, hahaha.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Wow. :'(

"Du är den bästa musikaliska personen jag känner."

Vilken underbar vän jag har som säger sånna här saker! So much feels right now, can't help the tears. Can't believe it.

5 songs

I fell asleep around 4 am last night and managed to write 5 songs, haha. Insane.
Now I am trying to sing the poems from my Swedish folk poetry book.

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Hey! So it's November 1 and we played some music at the church. Everyone seemed to love it so much, most of the people came to express their gratitude and appreciation of the music. It made me glad, truly. One more thing I have noticed, many of them talked about my hat. One elderly man was like, "Vad fin hatt du har! Och hela du." Aaaw. Then some of them were asking where I got my hat. Haha. They were surprised to have found out how many hats I have. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant downtown. Right now I am chilling and listening to some Hozier. I like his voice and music.


Been cleaning and decorating today. I love my books and my cameras, haha.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Today's wonderful quote:

“Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul. When writers make us shake our heads with the exactness of their prose and their truths, and even make us laugh about ourselves or life, our buoyancy is restored. We are given a shot at dancing with, or at least clapping along with, the absurdity of life, instead of being squashed by it over and over again. It’s like singing on a boat during a terrible storm at sea. You can’t stop the raging storm, but singing can change the hearts and spirits of the people who are together on that ship.”

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Somnade 3:00 inatt, råkade skriva 3 låttexter

Är ganska med dom också. Men den sista jag skrev tyckte jag om. Den är väldigt personlig och jag höll nästa på att fälla en tår när jag höll på att skriva den. Haha.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Snackar musik med polare just nu.

Snackar lite om Hendrix och The Beatles. Och musik i allmänhet. Kom å tänka på en sak...

Tänk bara som förr när man inte hade så mkt teknologi och det va inte så lätt att lyssna på musik, och man bara måste komma på musik helt själv utan influenser. Då fick de ju ta sin omvärld som influenser. Det är därför jag inte gillar att lyssna på för mycket musik ibland för jag vill komma på allt själv. Jag gillar inte när folk frågar vad jag har för favorit band eller musik, fär jag har inga särskilda favoriter och jag gillar inte favoritisera. Jag undrar dock om kreativitet är svårare nu när så mycket redan är gjort eller om det är oberoende egentligen om man inte tänker på att andra kan ha gjort samma sak.

Gråter dock lite just nu. Lyssnar på lite glad men lugn Mozart-musik och snackar med en bra vän.
Han vet att jag är en sådan sensitiv människa och det har jag alltid varit sedan jag var liten enlight Mamma. Jag gråter lätt, speciellt om det handlar om musik.  Han säger att han tror att det är därför jag gör så bra musik nu också. "Du har mycket känslor och får ut dom i text och musik bra!"
"Har tänkt på det när jag hört musik på radion och så nyligen.Hur ytliga och dåligt skrivna de flesta låtarna är, medan dina är jättebra." Jag trodde aldrig mina texter var bra, och min musik tycker jag väl är helt okej men de här orden värmer verkligen och nu börjar jag gråta, haha. :(

Monday, 27 October 2014

Traditional music

Gosh. I've been listening to  traditional music, right now this one:
It's so beautiful, I can't help my tears. It sounds so poetic. Amazing. 
Next one I am going to listen to is Celtic traditional music. 
I just like the feeling I get while listening to this kind of music. I guess I am really made to make some folk music after all. I just love the feeling the drums give me, and these wonderful melodies as well. I like the feeling as though I am somewhere else and I love the feeling as though I am close to heaven and earth; the woods, the seas, the stars. Gaaaah. Insane.

Music that comes out of my system

It feels like everytime I'm trying to write a song, the music automatically becomes bluesy/jazzy or folky. I believe it's because it's what I am good at and it's . . . I don't know, it's the music that comes out of my system naturally, or something like that. It really feels natural. It feels great.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

This thing with "fans"

Okay, I have thought of this before and I just got reminded when I and a friend were talking about it. I know a lot of people who use this word "fan/fans" a lot and I don't really comfortable with it. I mean, I don't feel comfortable calling people "my fans" because . . . I don't know, I don't feel comfortable about it, as if I am *something*, or something like that. :/ I just . . . I dont like the sound of it. I would prefer calling them "admirers of my music".

Jag tror jag är sjuk . . .

Ja, musiksjuk. Så fort jag vaknar tänker jag bara på musik och innan jag lägger mig är det så svårt att somna för jag tänker på musik. Det blir en hel del toner i huvudet.


I realised what I have developed now . . .
it's the good sense of melody. So THAT'S WHY! That's why I suddenly am able to write songs I am satisfied with!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Productive, yeah. Tears.

Been very productive lately and been composing songs I am really satisfied with.
That moment when you're playing a song you've written because it's sad and beautiful, haha.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Albert Einstein quote of the day:

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits."


Gaaaah. Ny låt.

Till albumet alltså. Och jag gråter, hur kan jag komma på nåt så vackert?! Känns som att det inte var jag som gjorde den! Jag känner mig så stolt just nu att jag gråter. Den är så fin, och så vackra stämmor! Gaaah. :( My heart please.


Ärligt talat, jag gillar den här låten jag har gjort ikväll. Skulle vilja göra en cover på den! hahahaha.

Låtar, låtar.

När jag gör låtar så kör jag det jag känner för, oftast i alla fall. Man kan ju alltid lägga till, ta bort eller ändra något senare. Jag vill uttrycka mig och det gör jag genom min musik, men det är lite sorgligt ibland när andra människor omkring säger till hur jag ska göra, hur en låt jag har gjort ska vara. Jag är väldigt öppet för idéer och så, och det tar jag gärna om jag tycker den är bra, men det kanske inte är bra om jag ska låta andra styra min musik. Då kan jag i så fall inte kalla det för min musik. Jag har inget emot kritik och liknande, det är jag okej med också. Men en låt kan inte alltid vara lika intressant som den andra. Inte alla låtar som artister/band gör är intressanta; det finns alltid en låt  som är mindre intressant än den andra. Om vi säger att Led Zeppelins mest intressanta låt är Black Dog så kan inte alla deras låtar vara lika intressanta som den. Sen är det också en smaksak egentligen, för vissa kan tycka att Whole Lotta Love är mer intressant än Black Dog. Förstår du vad jag menar? Aja, nu ska jag laga lite mat. Jag har jobbat på musik hela dagen.


Gaaaah. Är ganska nöjd med en ny låt jag skrev idag! Har aldrig komponerat gitarrsolo förut, i alla fall ett som jag är nöjd med. Jag kom på gitarrsolot ganska snabbt och jag är jättenöjd med det för jag tycker det låter väldigt naturligt! Gaaaah. Längtar tills jag får spela in den här låten. Det svänger! Godkänd låt av Ingemar! :D

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Det känns som att man blir bättre o bättre ju mer man jobbar med låtskrivandet... man tänker lite annorlunda nu än förr. Hoppas det här kommer lite mer nu för det här känns bra. Det känns bra att jag nu vet lite hur jag vill att andra instrument ska vara och så i en låt. Jag börjar tänka lite mer 'advanced' nu. Förut kunde jag bara tänka på hur sången och gitarren går; det var svårt för mig att veta hur jag skulle ha de andra instrumenten som jag inte har i handen. Nu går det lättare. Nu kan jag liksom bara tänka hur det ska låta i mitt huvud.

Och så tycker jag att jag ska lägga till precis de här ljuden som jag har i huvet och som jag känner just när jag kör en låt. Jag vill lägga till lite effekter som gör att lyssnaren hamnar någon annanstans, i en annan värld när hen lyssnar på låten. Jag gillar sånt jättemycket, t. ex ljudet av havet.

Highly Creative People

So, I've been reading articles about highly creative people because I suddenly felt curious about it.
When I was reading them, I found myself crying and I don't know why. I am guessing it's because I felt kind of overwhelmed. I was fascinated and overwhelmed reading things that are so familiar to me. It's like the articles are talking about me, like they know me so much, as though they can read my soul. I couldn't help the tears.

"'It's actually hard for creative people to know themselves because the creative self is more complex than the non-creative self,'" Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist at New York University who has spent years researching creativity, told The Huffington Post. "'The things that stand out the most are the paradoxes of the creative self ... Imaginative people have messier minds.'"

"While there's no "typical" creative type, there are some tell-tale characteristics and behaviors of highly creative people. Here are some things they do differently.

  • They daydream.
  • They observe everything. The world is a creative person's oyster -- they see possibilities everywhere and are constantly taking in information that becomes fodder for creative expression. - I am very observant :|
  • They take time for solitude. "In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone," wrote the American existential psychologist Rollo May. Artists and creatives are often stereotyped as being loners, and while this may not actually be the case, solitude can be the key to producing their best work. For Kaufman, this links back to daydreaming -- we need to give ourselves the time alone to simply allow our minds to wander.
    "You need to get in touch with that inner monologue to be able to express it," he says. "It's hard to find that inner creative voice if you're ... not getting in touch with yourself and reflecting on yourself." - I like being with people, and I am very social with people I like but I also like to have my me-time where I can be in solitude and let my mind wander.
  • They seek out new experiences. Creative people love to expose themselves to new experiences, sensations and states of mind -- and this openness is a significant predictor of creative output. "Openness to experience is consistently the strongest predictor of creative achievement," says Kaufman. "This consists of lots of different facets, but they're all related to each other: Intellectual curiosity, thrill seeking, openness to your emotions, openness to fantasy. The thing that brings them all together is a drive for cognitive and behavioral exploration of the world, your inner world and your outer world." - I always seek out new experiences whether with someone or alone. I like exploring places, going into the woods and read or write or play music there. I just feel like I want to do things differently sometimes to know how it feels and to know if it's good or not, if it's something I can do again.
  •  Doing creative work is often described as a process of failing repeatedly until you find something that sticks, and creatives -- at least the successful ones -- learn not to take failure so personally. "Creatives fail and the really good ones fail often," Forbes contributor Steven Kotler wrote in a piece on Einstein's creative genius. - I have failed a lot, and I still do but this doesn't hinder me from reaching towards my goal.
  • They ask the big questions. Creative people are insatiably curious -- they generally opt to live the examined life, and even as they get older, maintain a sense of curiosity about life. Whether through intense conversation or solitary mind-wandering, creatives look at the world around them and want to know why, and how, it is the way it is. - I ask everything WHY way too often. I ask others and myself why and how the things are the way they are. I've always been curious, but I don't pry. Prying is different from being curious. Sometimes I am too curious that I analyse things and people.
  • They take risks. Part of doing creative work is taking risks, and many creative types thrive off of taking risks in various aspects of their lives. "There is a deep and meaningful connection between risk taking and creativity and it's one that's often overlooked," contributor Steven Kotler wrote in Forbes. "Creativity is the act of making something from nothing. It requires making public those bets first placed by imagination. This is not a job for the timid. Time wasted, reputation tarnished, money not well spent -- these are all by-products of creativity gone awry." - I've taken a lot of risks lately, to be honest.
  • They follow their true passions. Creative people tend to be intrinsically motivated -- meaning that they're motivated to act from some internal desire, rather than a desire for external reward or recognition. - What I'm doing now actually.
  • They lose track of the time. Creative types may find that when they're writing, dancing, painting or expressing themselves in another way, they get "in the zone," or what's known as a flow state, which can help them to create at their highest level. Flow is a mental state when an individual transcends conscious thought to reach a heightened state of effortless concentration and calmness. When someone is in this state, they're practically immune to any internal or external pressures and distractions that could hinder their performance. You get into the flow state when you're performing an activity you enjoy that you're good at, but that also challenges you -- as any good creative project does. "[Creative people] have found the thing they love, but they've also built up the skill in it to be able to get into the flow state," says Kaufman. "The flow state requires a match between your skill set and the task or activity you're engaging in." - Soooo true. Happens to me all the time!
  • They surround themselves with beauty. Creatives tend to have excellent taste, and as a result, they enjoy being surrounded by beauty. A study recently published in the journal Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts showed that musicians -- including orchestra musicians, music teachers, and soloists -- exhibit a high sensitivity and responsiveness to artistic beauty. - Hahaha, this is sooo me!
  • They connect the dots. If there's one thing that distinguishes highly creative people from others, it's the ability to see possibilities where others don't -- or, in other words, vision. Many great artists and writers have said that creativity is simply the ability to connect the dots that others might never think to connect.
  • Exhibit heightened emotional sensitivity. May be very sensitive to beauty, and visibly moved by aesthetic experiences; are expressive and willing to share what they feel and think. - Sooo me. I cry like 90 % of the time when I see or hear something beautiful. Music, words, painting, food, etc.

Characteristics of creatively gifted individuals
Possible negative traits of creative people or non-conforming behaviors
  1. Independent, anti‑authoritarian
  2. Divergent thinker
  3. Generally considered intelligent
  4. Open to new ideas
  5. Little tolerance for boredom
  6. Willing to undertake stimulating challenges, curious and inquisitive
  7. Self‑actualizer
  8. Aesthetically inclined
  9. Above average use of those skills attributed to the brain’s hemisphere
  10. Strong imagery ability and spatial skills
  11. Abilities of sensory synthesis; tasting color, seeing sound, hearing smells (synesthesia)
  12. Generally unaffected by peer pressure
  13. Highly versatile and adaptable
  14. Score high on Torrance Tests of Creative Ability in the following areas:
    • fluency‑‑produce numerous ideas
    • flexibility‑‑produce variety of ideas and approaches
    • originality‑‑novel ideas
    • elaboration‑‑fill in details
    • redefinition‑‑define or perceive in way different from the average

  1. Stubborn
  2. Challenges Authority
  3. Unconventional
  4. Uncooperative
  5. Assertive
  6. Cynical
  7. Sloppy or Careless
  8. Questions or Challenges Rules
  9. Temperamental
  10. Withdrawn

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Good books creative people should read

I'll save this link here for future purposes. I might purchase some (or all) of these books. I just . . . want to boost my creativity and feel motivated and inspired. One of these books might help.


The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People

This is so true, and so accurate for me!

"In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone." - Rollo May

More of this, click here.

Website? Hell yeah!

Been working on this the whole day. Exhausting but fun!


So I was thinking of this today when I was building my website . . . what would I say if someone asked about the name Blackbird Peregrine? Why have I chosen to be called Blackbird Peregrine?
It is because . . .
  • I like to play with words and I thought Blackbird and Peregrine sounded good together.
  • The words Blackbird and Peregrine both have 9 letters, which I thought was cool because I realised it afterwards when I was trying to make a logo.
  • I like the song Blackbird by The Beatles.
  • I think peregrine is a beautiful word.
  • I think black birds are mystical and cool.
  • Black birds remind me of one of my favourite poets - Edgar Allan Poe.
  • I think peregrines are majestic and independent birds of prey.
  • I like birds.


Before I get myself some sleep I'd like to ask my body: when will you, body, recover completely?
I really need to fully recover soon. I need to go and record some music, so please get well soon.
I feel better but my voice still doesn't sound good. I am a little happy today though. It's fun when I get to talk about music and share ideas with like-minded folks. There's something weird about me lately though. I can't stop thinking of this person and sometimes I find myself thinking what if we were together right now and all the cheesy stuff. So not me, haha. And... I've been getting unusual dreams lately. Gah. I never thought it would be this difficult. I am trying to ignore these feelings and all but they just come back like what do you want from me, feelings? Leave me alone! Haha. It's difficult, I guess, because I can't tell anyone anything about it and I just can't because I can't because it's forbidden!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Helping out friends and stuff.

Hi. Today I have...
  • had  a lot of tea.
  • read a little of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
  • listened to a friend's song idea and gave him some constructive criticism 'cause he wanted me to, haha.
I guess my Phonetics studies helped a little. :)

I was like:
First off I just want to say that it's easier to improve this if I was with you now. So, in this song Beautiful Life, I would like you to pronounce the voiced dental fricative /ð/ (as in this) in the word *then* more clearly. Next, the word *down* (...on my love), pronounce it more calmly and not harshly like what you did in the recording, and don't forget to place the emphasis on the *d*. Very important. And most of all, your pronunciation of the word "simple." Do not pronounce the *i* the way you pronounce words such as "sea, heat". 
ɪ hit, sitting
i: see, heat

There's the difference, and the first example is the way you should pronounce 'simple'.

He was like:

OMG. This is brilliant! I need you, Jassy. I need you in this project.

I was like: Haha. How? :)

He was like: cuz you're awesome. You got a great ear for music and you got great taste and you play every other instrument and you got passion and all. I mean you're good at everything. Even phonetics! These are the kind of people I want to work together with!

This made me happy. But wow. :o Thanks, man!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Music nerd yeah

I'm quite exhausted today. I was reading a book called If I Stay while listening to Chopin until I fell asleep. I woke up, had dinner and now I'm being a music addict again. Haha. By the way, there's a guy who messaged me asking me to rate his playing of Chopin's Raindrops. I gave him a 7. Hehe. At the moment I am listening to Nocturne in C sharp minor while reading the sheet music online. Fun! Haha.

Just ja, jag blev så sugen på att börja läsa Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children nu. Alltså jag har ju varit sugen på den länge nu men har inte köpt än men det känns som att det börjar bli dags. Perfekt läsning nu till Halloween, eller nåt. Haha. Hört massa bra om den. Så fint omslag också! Måste ha en fysisk kopia på den. The photographs, gosh!

Friday, 17 October 2014

Questions. Answers.

I found this when I was Googling around and I thought I'd try to answer them. :D

"These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer."
  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? - Maybe 50, 60 or something? People say I have an old soul. 
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? - Never trying, definitely. It is better to try out things and fail than never try anything at all.
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? - Good question. I do the things I like though so I guess this question is not applicable to me.
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? - No, I don't believe so.
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? - In the world I'm living in now? I'd like to change war to peace and harmony. To just live in peace and help each other out.
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? - Music!
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? - I am doing what I believe in.
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? - I have no idea, really.
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? - I can say I have taken most of the control of my life. I really do what I want and nothing can stop me.
  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? - I guess I am more worried about doing things right, because when I try things out, I get worried and think a lot about what if I'm doing it wrong although of course trials and errors always exist, and then eventually you learn and do them right. Doing the right things is not a problem since it's easier for me to know when I am or I'm not doing the right things. 
  11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do? - Of course I say something. I am outspoken, specially in this case.
  12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? - Do what you love and love what you do.
  13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? - It depends upon the situation, and if it's something really cruel like murder I wouldn't. I think it doesn't really matter if I am saving a loved one or not because if I know it is against the law I don't think I would like to do anything.
  14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? - Yes.
  15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? - I am not sure but I do reflect on things a lot, notice things people don't usually notice, and I always have music constantly playing in my head. There probably are other things I do differently than most people but I can't think of them at the moment.
  16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? - Because everyone is unique and we all want/need different things in life, I guess. 
  17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back? - Ferris wheel, roller coaster and the like. I think they would make me puke, make me lose my breath, and give me some kind of fever. Haha. 
  18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? - I don't think so.
  19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? - London or Paris. I just feel they are the perfect ones for me for some reason.
  20. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? - I don't.
  21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? - A joyful simpleton!
  22. Why are you, you? - I am me because He made me the way I am.
  23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? - Yes! : )
  24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? - The latter. :/
  25. What are you most grateful for? - Everything!
  26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? - Difficult question. None of the two. I want to keep old memories and still be able to make new ones.
  27. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? - Sometimes you're lucky and just find it out just right there.
  28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? - Not yet, I don't think so. I don't even know what my greatest fear is.
  29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now? - Yes. It doesn't really matter now. I have learned my lesson.
  30. What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special? - I dunno. There are many of them. It really made me happy when Mom wrote a poem for me. Family outings were also a lot of fun, but the most special one is when I learned how to play the guitar.
  31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? - In June. I realised I really needed to create.
  32. If not now, then when? - NOW!
  33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? - Time is gold. I lose time. I have to work hard and achieve it now.
  34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? - Haha, no not really. :P
  35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? - Are you talking about Islam? Because I do not have a single idea why.
  36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? - Most of the time, yes.
  37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? - Nope!
  38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? - The latter! :D
  39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? - Nope.
  40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? - I can't remember doing anything like that.
  41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? - That's a sad question. 
  42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? - I don't think so and I don't really care about these things.
  43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? - Hmm. Being alive is, well, just being alive - breathing and having your heart beat. You're just physically alive and do what the society expects you to. Truly living is both being alive and enjoying your life, getting yourself out there in the world, feeling things, being you and not afraid of being different.
  44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? - In my case it's when my instincts tell me to just go and do it. 
  45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? - Because we want to avoid the unpleasant. We fear of what others might think.
  46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? - I haven't thought anything about that really.
  47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? - Just now.
  48. What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? - Music! Haha. Yes, I've been writing music for hours everyday.
  49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that? - Yes, if I don't suffer from any memory disorder.
  50. Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? - Of course I am making them for myself! :D 


Funny things happened and happening right now:

1. Was about to drink my tea when I suddenly coughed. Tea everywhere. Tea flood!
2. Sitting on the toilet at the moment with a computer on my lap and listening to some J.S. Bach.

Sitting on the toilet with a computer on my lap, listening to some epic classical music (J.S. Bach at the moment) and feeling legendary.‪#‎nothingweird‬ ‪#‎justanordinarytoiletmoment‬

Thursday, 16 October 2014

When you make music, you do it . . .

1. For the love of music. That simple.
2. Because you enjoy making music.
3. Because you love what you do.
4. Because it is your biggest passion.
5. Because it is what keeps you going.
6. Because it is what makes you feel alive.
7. Because of many other personal reasons.

I just had this little conversation with a friend about how some musicians/artists say this line: "I do this for my fans" which we think is a little awkward, because you simply cannot say that. I mean, of course you wouldn't be in your shoes right now if not for the fans, BUT you still do what you do (in this case your music) because you love music and you create music that you want to create and not the music that other people want you to create, right? Of course, it is good and important to thank your fans for being the most supportive that they are, but don't forget that you are doing this for a thing you love.

Although if  I-do-this-for-my-fans line means that you see to it that the quality of your work is good and you've given your all (I mean your heart and soul) into it, and give them the best ever show they will ever have been in their lives, then yes I'd consider that legit, because the fans deserve it.

Happy birthday, Oscar Wilde and John Mayer!

Happy birthday, Oscar Wilde! One of my favourite authors~ 

Also, one of my favourite musicians - John Mayer! Yaaay :D